AGM update

Mallard, London Wetland Centre, Barnes 30/07/20 (J Drewett)

The Committee has decided that, unfortunately, it is not practical to hold the AGM At East Horsley Village Hall on Friday 25th September.  Instead of holding a virtual one, the Committee has decided to deal with the AGM by way of online voting (or paper forms for those members without an email address)m with members being asked to raise any issues by 12 pm on Friday 9th September with the Membership Secretary (via ). 

If any member has not received a link to an online voting form or a postal voting form by 20th August 2020, please contact the … Read more

Woking Peregrine Project book

2020 has been another successful year for the Woking Peregrines.  The Woking Peregrines Project (WPP) has been running for 5 years and is hoping to raise sufficient interest/funds to enable the publication of a WPP book, documenting the first five years of the project.  If you are interested in supporting the publication of the book (or indeed buying the book if published), please visit the WPP website:

July 2020

COVID-19: please continue to follow the latest government guidelines on social distancing and exercising outdoors.

Friday 31st

Great Egret, Tice's Meadow (J Hunt).
Great Egret, Tice’s Meadow (J Hunt).

Capel: 2+ Crossbills flew over (W Attridge).

Chelsea & Lambeth Reservoirs: 14 Green Sandpipers (C Turner).

Thursley Common: 16 Crossbills flew over (D Brassington).

Tice’s Meadow: Great Egret still; also Greenshank, Dunlin, 8 Green Sandpipers and Common Sandpiper (K Britten/J Hunt).

Weyburn Meadows: 5 Crossbills flew over (E Stubbs).

Thursday 30th

Greenshank and Green Sandpiper, Tice's Meadow (S Ferguson).
Greenshank and Green Sandpiper, Tice’s Meadow (S Ferguson).

Leith Hill: 16 Crossbills over tower (M Davis/M Phelps).

Newchapel: 2 … Read more