Recording Area
The Surrey Bird Club records the birds in the Vice County of Surrey. The Club’s recording areas are as follows:
That part of Surrey lying within 20 miles of St Paul’s Cathedral (and therefore also recorded by the London Natural History Society) but excluding ‘Inner London’ referred to below.
Surrey-in-Inner London
That small part of Surrey south of the Thames, but within the boundary of the Inner London Recording Area of the London Natural History Society.
Surrey South
That part of Surrey outside Surrey-in-London and lying to the south and east of the roads A3 (Cobham to Guildford) and A281 (Guildford to the county boundary).

Surrey North-west
That part of Surrey outside Surrey-in-London and lying west and north of the roads A3 (Cobham to Guildford) and A31 (Guildford to the County boundary).
Surrey South-west
That part of Surrey outside of Surrey-in-London and lying south and west of the roads A31 (Guildford to the County boundary) and the A281 (Guildford to the County boundary).
Outer Surrey
That area of Surrey falling outside the LNHS recording area (a circle of 20 miles radius centred on St Paul’s Cathedral).
Here is a link to a map showing the recording areas