Other events

The Woking Peregrine project

Ever since the Peregrines started successfully nesting in Woking in 2016, the club has had a stand in the town centre on (usually) Saturdays in order to show the public the Peregrines (save when we could not due to Covid restrictions).  Using the http://www.wokingperegrines.com website allowed us to watch the Peregrines using the cameras which are installed both inside the nest box and on the ledges outside. However, by the time we had the stand operating in the town centre, the young birds were often out on the ledges and so visible. The town centre (Jubilee Square to be exact) is a great site where you can see the young birds learning to fly (often calling out as they are doing so!). 

In 2024 the club is intending to have a stand in the town centre on Saturday 1st June and Saturday 15th June so why not join us there on one of those dates. Even if you are not around then, , if you are in Woking this spring, do look out for the Peregrines .

Jubilee square gives a good view of the nest box and the building where the birds roost.

Tice’s Meadow Bioblitz Saturday 20th July 2024

The Bioblitz is being held later this year. As usual, the club will have a stand at this event. There are both daytime and evening walks. Ringing (as long as the weather is suitable) also takes place for most of the event so it gives a good opportunity to see birds close-up and learn more about their distinguishing identifying features. Go to the Tice’s Meadow website in order to get more details  http://www.ticesmeadow.org about the site.