How Records are Used
What the Surrey Bird Club does with bird records
By submitting your records you will contribute to the Club’s objectives of publication, conservation, research and education. The records received:
- Provide the basis for the annual Surrey Bird Report
- Provide the basis for Surrey’s contribution to national reports, including the reports on rare birds, scarce breeding birds and scarce migrants, published in British Birds
- Enable the Club to respond to requests for data in respect of planning applications and farm stewardship schemes, highlighting protected species and those of conservation concern that may be impacted
- Enable the Club to respond to ad hoc requests for data from national bodies such as the RSPB and the BTO, and from researchers generally
- Alert other birders to sightings of interest
The Club maintains its database of bird records in the county using a system called Recorder 6, designed by the Joint Nature Conservancy Council. Interesting current records of birds that Surrey birdwatchers may wish to see are published on this website, the SBC Twitter account @SurreyBirdClubNews and on the website Going Birding . Interesting records are also published in the quarterly newsletter Birding Surrey (see Publications).