March 2024

The new Where to Watch Birds in Surrey and Sussex book is out now and available here:

Sunday 31st

Little Gull, Frensham Great Pond (E Stubbs).
Little Gull, Frensham Great Pond (E Stubbs).

Ash Ranges: 4 Tree Pipits, Willow Warbler and Crossbill (C Jones).

Beddington Farmlands: Avocet on Wet Grassland; also Ring Ouzel at Enclosed Lagoon, Jack Snipe, 3 Water Pipits, male Wheatear, 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 4 Green Sandpipers and 5 Shelduck (M Bravery/G Howgate/J Pettit/J Quinn).

Crooksbury Common: 11 Crossbills (J Gates).

Frensham Great Pond: adult Little Gull (S Peters/E Stubbs).

Marsh Harrier, Thursley Common (B Henricot).
Marsh Harrier, Thursley Common (B Henricot).

Hedgecourt Lake: … Read more