September 2024

Monday 16th

Beddington Farmlands: 3 Yellow Wagtails, 49 Chiffchaffs and 5 Green Sandpipers (A Dutta).

Eashing Fields: 2 Whinchats (G Robson).

Frensham Common: Wheatear (R Douglas).

London Wetland Centre: juvenile Garganey and Common Sandpiper (S Fowles/A Salmon).

Tice’s Meadow: Cattle Egret (BirdGuides).

Waverley Abbey: Wheatear (K Duncan).

Sunday 15th

Beddington Farmlands: Common Sandpiper and 2 Green Sandpipers (D Bulling).

Brook: Whinchat, 3 Yellow Wagtails and 12+ Yellowhammers at Witley Farm (D Brassington).

Chobham Common: 2 Swifts south with hirundines (T Edie).

Crooksbury Common: Spotted Flycatcher (J Gates).

Leith Hill: … Read more