Our County Recorder has written an article about where you might find Nightingales in Surrey. If you find one singing please do let the County Recorder know. See 3 Ways to Submit
Photo: Nightingale, Shaun Ferguson
Our County Recorder has written an article about where you might find Nightingales in Surrey. If you find one singing please do let the County Recorder know. See 3 Ways to Submit
Photo: Nightingale, Shaun Ferguson
The five chicks are still doing well and were colour-ringed yesterday. Join us in Woking’s Jubilee Square on Saturday (18th May) between 10 am and 4 pm where we hope to see both parents flying in with food. We will have a telescope looking at the ledge outside the nest area, as well as an iPad so that you can see what is happening inside the nest too. In the meantime, you can see what is happening now.
Photo: Woking Peregrine chick, Craig Denford 15/05/2019
Relaunched website proves popular
Here are some of the comments
“It looks terrific”, “Love the new website”, ” It looks terrific, a great step forward “, “A big fat well done to all involved!”
However the website team would love to have some more recent images to add to the relaunched website so please do e-mail your bird photos to
And, if you have news you would like to have included on this page, please contact
Photo: Wood Warbler, Dave Carlsson
The new website is launched and, by popular demand, Recent Sightings is back. Here is a photo recently submitted to the club by the Chairman. Please do submit your Photos and your own Recent Sightings.
If you have news you would like to see on this page, then please contact
Photo: Woodlark, Eric Soden
The field trip to RSPB Pulborough Brooks in March 2019 was a great success. Sixty-five species seen in all with lots of singing Chiffchaff. Sixteen members and three non-members had a great time with many staying on to enjoy the great food at the café where it was warm enough to sit outside.
21 March 2019: The Woking Peregrines are using the nest box again this year at the top of the BAT tower in Woking . The fifth egg was laid today. Watch the progress live on the web