The Committee and Club Officers

Position Name Address E-mail
President Eric Soden #Milford
Chair Vacant
County recorder Kevin Duncan * Basingstoke
Treasurer and MembershipRay Phillips *Haywards Heath
Bird report editor Stella Bignold* Ashtead
Newsletter editor Tim Chinn Farnham
General Secretary and Membership Liaison Penny Williams* Chobham
Database Manager &
Young Persons Rep
Zach PanniferLondon
Chair of the Records Committee &
Assistant County Recorder
Ed Stubbs Godalming
Conservation Vacant
BTO LiaisonPenny Williams Chobham
No portfolioDave HarrisWalton on Thames
Field Meetings OfficerAndy Harding Epsom
UK Rare Breeding Bird Data Co-ordinator &
Ringing secretary
Jeremy Gates #Farnham
PublicityGail Huckle #Knaphill
WebmasterGraham Sharples #Farnham

* : Is a trustee of the charity as well

#: Not on the committee