Up to 15 Months’ membership for the price of 12 Months’
If you join between 1st January and 31st March, there is a benefit in that you do not have to pay the subscription due on 1st April (being the start of the next membership year) i.e. you can get up to 15 months’ membership as long as you pay the subscription due in the membership year you join.
Birds of Surrey

If, when you join, you complete a standing order form (which needs to be sent to the membership secretary) you can have a free copy of Birds of Surrey as long as you collect the book from a committee member. Here is more information about Birds of Surrey. The standing order form is in the membership application form. The publication is free if you are under the age of 25 when you join.
Birds of Surrey and the Surrey Atlas

On joining the club, if you pay by standing order, you will also be entitled to a copy of the
Surrey Atlas at the reduced price of £20, provided you are able to collect it from a committee member. Here is more information about the Surrey Atlas. The Surrey Atlas is free if you are under the age of 25 when you join.
Get both Birds of Surrey and the Surrey Atlas for £25.00
Both publications can be purchased for £25.00 – as long as the books are collected from a committee member – you do not have to join the club to take advantage of this offer. If you are not able to collect the two publications from a committee member then the purchase price will be £25.00 plus the cost of delivery. Please contact to make arrangements for payment and collection or find out the current cost of delivery .