Surrey List

Correct as at January 2021

The list includes species in categories A, B and C in The British List published by the British Ornithologists’ Union. It does not include category D (species not considered to have occurred in a natural state) or category E (introduced birds or escapes, not forming a self-sustaining population).

Part A: Species recorded in the Surrey recording area, the Watsonian vice-county of Surrey (vice-county 17)

This list is updated following publication of decisions by the County Records Committee, and therefore does not include records still in circulation or not yet submitted .

Species recorded since 1950 (Categories A and C)

Number of records shown are since 1 January 1950 with pre-1950 records bracketed

Red-legged PartridgeAlectoris rufaModerately common breeding resident, introduced, the wild population augmented by releases
Grey PartridgePerdix perdixIncreasingly uncommon breeding resident, most records now probably from releases.  Red-listed species.
Common QuailCoturnix coturnixScarce summer visitor, has bred.  Amber-listed species.
Common PheasantPhasianus colchicusCommon breeding resident, introduced, the wild population augmented by abundant releases.
Brent GooseBranta berniclaScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Canada GooseBranta canadensisCommon breeding resident.
Barnacle GooseBranta leucopsisScarce winter visitor and increasing feral breeding resident.  5 records of apparently wild birds.  Amber-listed species.  
Greylag GooseAnser anserModerately common breeding resident of feral origin.
Pink-footed GooseAnser brachyrhynchus8 (+3) records, the last at Burpham Court Farm 9 to 17 February 2019.  Amber-listed species.
Tundra Bean GooseAnser serrirostris4 records. Last record at Thorpe on 7 February to 6 May 2012.  Amber-listed species. 7 earlier records of Bean Goose species likely relate to this form
White-fronted GooseAnser albifronsScarce winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Mute SwanCygnus olorModerately common breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
Bewick’s SwanCygnus columbianusScarce winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Whooper SwanCygnus cygnusScarce winter visitor, scarcer than Bewick’s Swan.  Amber-listed species.
Egyptian GooseAlopochen aegyptiacaIncreasingly common feral breeding resident .
Common ShelduckTadorna tadornaScarce winter visitor and passage migrant, occasional breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
Mandarin DuckAix galericulataModerately common breeding resident.
GarganeySpatula querquedulaScarce passage migrant, has bred.  Amber-listed species.
Blue-winged TealSpatula discorsOne or possibly two records, the first at Barn Elms Reservoirs 16-19 February 1981.  A bird at Frensham Great Pond on 29 October to 26 November 1989 was considered a probable escape.
ShovelerSpatula clypeataModerately common winter visitor, has bred.  Amber-listed species.
GadwallMareca streperaModerately common winter visitor, scarce breeder.  Amber-listed species.
Eurasian WigeonMareca penelopeModerately common winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
MallardAnas platyrhynchosCommon breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
PintailAnas acutaUncommon winter visitor and feral resident.  Amber-listed species.
Eurasian TealAnas creccaCommon winter visitor, irregular breeder.  Amber-listed species.
Green-winged TealAnas carolinensis5 records, the last at Enton Ponds on 16 March 2008.
Red-crested PochardNetta rufinaScarce feral resident.  Rare passage migrant and winter visitor.  Has bred.
Common PochardAythya rufinaModerately common winter visitor, rare breeder.  Red-listed species.
Ferruginous DuckAythya nyrocaRare winter visitor. Last at Papercourt GP 11 November 2019.
Ring-necked DuckAythya collaris15 records, the last at the Frensham Ponds 23 March to 29 April 2019
Tufted DuckAythya fuligulaCommon breeding resident and winter visitor.
Greater ScaupAythya marilaScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Common EiderSomateria mollisimaRare winter visitor.  Amber-listed species. Twelve records, the last at Buckland Sandpits and QEII Res in January 2011.
Velvet ScoterMelanitta fuscaRare winter visitor and passage migrant. 23 (+3) records, the last at Island Barn Reservoir from 28 November to 9 December 2012 (2 birds). Red-listed species.
Common ScoterMelanitta nigraScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Long-tailed DuckClangula hyemalisRare winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Common GoldeneyeBucephala clangulaModerately common winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
SmewMargellus albellusRare winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
GoosanderMergus merganserLocally common winter visitor.
Red-breasted MerganserMergus serratorScarce winter visitor and passage migrant
Ruddy DuckOxyura jamaicensisFormer breeding resident, probably extinct following a national cull.
Common NighthawkChordeiles minorOne record; a bird found on Barnes Common on 23 October 1984 which subsequently died.
European NightjarCaprimulgus europaeusLocally common breeding summer visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Alpine SwiftApus melba7 (+2) records, the last at Walton Reservoirs on 30 April 2005.
Common SwiftApus apusCommon but declining breeding summer visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Yellow-billed CuckooCoccyzus americanusOne record; a bird picked up at Oxted Station on 17 October 1991 and later released
Common CuckooCuculus canorusModerately common breeding summer visitor.  Red-listed species.
Feral Rock DoveColumba liviaCommon breeding resident.
Stock DoveColumba oenasCommon breeding resident and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Wood PigeonColumba palumbusCommon breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Turtle DoveStreptopelia turturVery scarce summer visitor and passage migrant.  Formerly common.  Red-listed species.
Collared DoveStreptopelia decaoctoCommon breeding resident.
Water RailRallus aquaticusScarce breeding resident and moderately common winter visitor.
Corn CrakeCrex crexOnce a common summer visitor, now rare, the last record at London Wetland Centre, Barnes on 30 August 2010 – the bird was taken by a Grey Heron.  Red-listed species.
Spotted CrakePorzana porzanaVery scarce visitor.  25 (+3) records, the last at Shalford Water Meadows 10 April 2019.  Amber-listed species. 
MoorhenGallinula chloropusCommon breeding resident and winter visitor.
Common CootFulica atraCommon breeding resident and winter visitor.
Common CraneGrus grusVery scarce visitor. 18 records, the last at Chilworth on 2 May 2017 (2 birds). Amber-listed species.
Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollisModerately common breeding resident. 
Pied-billed GrebePodilymbus podiceps3 records, possibly of the same bird, the last at Walton (Knight and Bessborough) Reservoirs on 16 March 1999.
Red-necked GrebePodiceps griseganaRare winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Great Crested GrebePodiceps cristatusModerately common breeding resident.
Slavonian GrebePodiceps auritusScarce winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Black-necked GrebePodiceps nigricollisRegular winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemusScarce passage migrant, formerly bred.  Amber-listed species.
OystercatcherHaematopus ostralegusUncommon passage migrant and winter visitor.  Recent breeding attempts.  Amber-listed species.
Black-winged StiltHimantopus himantopus4 (+2) records, the last at Island Barn Reservoir on 4th May 2016.
AvocetRecurvirostra avosettaScarce passage migrant.  Two breeding records, one failed.  Amber-listed species.
Northern LapwingVanellus vanellusScarce breeder and common winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
European Golden PloverPluvialis apricariaUncommon winter visitor and passage migrant.
Pacific Golden PloverPluvialis fulva2 records.  A record on 12 November 1870 was the first for Britain, the second was at Beddington Farmlands then London Wetland Centre on 2 May 2010.
Grey PloverPluvialis squatarola Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Ringed PloverCharadrius hiaticulaModerately common passage migrant and scarce winter visitor.  Has bred.  Red-listed species.
Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubiusSummer visitor, breeding annually in small numbers, and passage migrant.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferusOne record, at Beddington Farmlands on 31 January and 2 February 1984.
Kentish PloverCharadrius alexandrinus2 records, one from the 19th century and one from Stoke Water Meadows on 18 April 1984.
DotterelCharadrius morinellus4 old records and a more recent record of 15 birds at Canons Farm, Banstead, on 4 May 2012.  Red-listed species. 
WhimbrelNumenius phaeopusModerately common passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Eurasian CurlewNumenius arquataScarce breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponicaScarce passage migrant, mainly in the spring.  Amber-listed species.
Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosaScarce passage migrant, mainly in the autumn.  Red-listed species.
Ruddy TurnstoneAreneria interpresScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Red KnotCaladris canutusScarce passage migrant and winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
RuffCalidris pugnaxScarce passage migrant and occasional winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferrugineaScarce passage migrant, mainly in the autumn.  Amber-listed species.
Temminck’s StintCalidris temminckiiRare passage migrant, mainly in the spring.  Red-listed species.
SanderlingCalidris albaScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
DunlinCalidris alpinaModerately common passage migrant and winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Purple SandpiperCalidris maritima6 (+3) records, the last at Island Barn Reservoir on 24 December 2005.  Amber-listed species.
Little StintCalidris minutaScarce passage migrant, mainly in the autumn.
White-rumped SandpiperCalidris fuscicollisOne record, at Walton Reservoirs on 30 August 1995.
Buff-breasted SandpiperCalidris subruficollisOne record, at Barn Elms Reservoirs on 12 October 1981.
Pectoral SandpiperCalidris malanotes22 records, the last at Thursley Common on 16 September 2017. 
WoodcockScolopax rusticolaModerately common resident and winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Jack SnipeLymnocryptes minimusScarce winter visitor and passage migrant. 
Common SnipeGallinago gallinagoScarce breeder; moderately common passage migrant and winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Red-necked PhalaropePhalaropus lobatus4 (+2) records, the last at Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on 12 June 2014.  Red-listed species.
Grey PhalaropePhalaropus fulicariusVery scarce autumn passage migrant.
Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucos Moderately common passage migrant, a few winter.  Has bred.  Amber-listed species.
Spotted SandpiperActitis maculariusOne record, at Barn Elms Reservoirs on 16 May 1988.
Green SandpiperTringa ochropusModerately common passage migrant and winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Lesser YellowlegsTringa flavipesOne record, at Beddington Farmlands from 24 to 30 September 1984.  A record of a Yellowlegs sp at Unstead SF in early 1954 was probably this species.
Common RedshankTringa totanusScarce and declining breeder; moderately common passage migrant and winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Marsh SandpiperTringa stagnatilisOne record, at Old Woking SF on 4 to 7 May 1994.
Wood SandpiperTringa glareolaScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Spotted RedshankTringa ochropusScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
GreenshankTringa nebulariaModerately common passage migrant, rare winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
KittiwakeRissa tridactylaScarce passage migrant and winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Sabine’s GullXema sabiniUp to 20 birds reported after the great gale of 15-16 October 1987. Subsequent records at Beddington Farmlands on 9 October 2007 and 13 September 2016.
Bonaparte’s GullChroicocephalus philadelphiaOne record, at Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on 16-21 June 2020
Black-headed GullChroicocephalus ridibundusNumerous winter visitor and passage migrant.  Breeds in small numbers.  Amber-listed species.
Little GullHydrocoloeus minutusScarce passage migrant and rare winter visitor. 
Mediterranean GullIchthyaetus melanocephalusUncommon winter visitor and passage migrant, first bred 2017.  Amber-listed species.
Common GullLarus canusModerately common winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Ring-billed GullLarus delawarensis7 records, the last at London Wetland Centre, Barnes on 9 November 2003.
Great Black-backed GullLarus marinusModerately common, but declining, winter visitor and passage migrant.  Has bred.  Amber-listed species. 
Glaucous-winged GullLarus glaucescensOne record, a 3rd summer at Beddington Farmlands on 18 April 2007.
Glaucous GullLarus hyperboreusScarce winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Iceland GullLarus glaucoidesScarce winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Herring GullLarus argentatusCommon winter visitor and passage migrant.  Breeds in very small numbers.  Red-listed species.
Caspian GullLarus cachinnansScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Yellow-legged GullLarus michahellisUncommon winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Lesser Black-backed GullLarus fuscusCommon winter visitor and passage migrant.  Breeds in very small numbers.  Amber-listed species.
Gull-billed TernGelochelidon niloticaOne record, at Barn Elms Reservoirs on 26 July 1980 – the first record for an inland county.
Caspian TernHydroprogne caspiaOne record, at Papercourt on 9 August 1984.
Sandwich TernThalasseus sandvicensisScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Little TernSternula albifronsScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Roseate TernSterna dougallii7 records, the last at Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on 22 June 2020.  Red-listed species.
Common TernSterna hirundoScarce summer breeding visitor and common passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Arctic Tern  Sterna paradisaeaScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
White-winged Black TernChlidonias leucopterus5 records, the last at Chelsea and Lambeth Reservoirs on 19 to 20 June 2014.
Black TernChlidonias NigerUncommon passage migrant.
Great SkuaStercocarius skua10 (+1) records, the last at Leith Hill on 24 September 2018.  Amber-listed species.
Pomarine SkuaStercorarius pomarinus4 records, the last at Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on 10 November 2007.
Arctic SkuaStercorarius parasiticusVery scarce passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Long-tailed SkuaStercorarius longicaudus3 records, the last at Beddington Farmlands on 25 September 2012.
Little AukAlle alle11 (+14) records, the last at Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on 15 November 2007.
Common GuillemotUria aalgeVery scarce vagrant, occasionally storm driven in small numbers.  Amber-listed species.
RazorbillAlca torda3 (+11) records, the last on the Thames at Wapping on 9 February 1983.  Amber-listed species.
PuffinFratercula arctica14 (+19) records, some of exhausted/dead birds, the last record being on the Thames at Richmond on 8 February 1991.  Red-listed species.
Red-throated DiverGavia stellataScarce winter visitor and passage migrant. 
Black-throated DiverGavia articaScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species. 
Great Northern DiverGavia immerScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species. 
European Storm-petrelHydrobates pelagicus4 (+9) records, the last at Lingfield on 24 April 2019.  Amber-listed species.
Leach’s Storm-petrelOceanodroma leucorhoa26 (+2) records, the last two on 7 December 2006; one bird on the Thames near Tower Bridge and another at Walton Reservoirs.  Amber-listed species.
FulmarFulmaris glacialis20 (+1) records, the last at Merrow Downs on 11 April 2015.  Amber-listed species. 
Manx ShearwaterPuffinus puffinusRare visitor, the last at Woking 12 September 2020. Amber-listed species.
Balearic ShearwaterPuffinus mauretanicusOne record, at Island Barn Reservoir on 17 August 1984.  Red-listed species.
Black StorkCiconia nigraThree records, the last north over East Grinstead into Surrey on 5 June 2008.
White StorkCiconia ciconiaRare visitor, picture clouded by recent re-introductions in the county and nearby
Northern GannetMorus bassanusRare visitor.  Amber-listed species.
ShagPhalacrocorax aristotelisScarce visitor, usually in winter.  Red-listed species.
Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carboModerately common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.  First bred in 2010.
Glossy IbisPlegadis falcinellus7 (+2)  records, the last at Tice’s Meadow on 17 September 2020
Eurasian SpoonbillPlatalea leucorodiaScarce but increasing visitor, the last at Beddington Farmlands on 17 October 2020. Amber-listed species.
Eurasian BitternBotaurus stellarisScarce winter visitor. Amber-listed species.
Little BitternIxobrychus minutus7 (+3) records, the only twenty-first century record at the London Wetland Centre, Barnes on 29 May – 3 June 2016.
Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticorax5 (+3) records, the last at Wandsworth Common on 27 August 2017.
Squacco HeronArdeola ralloidesTwo records, a record from the 19th century and one at Lambeth Reservoir on 17 June 1997.
Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis 10 records, all in the twenty-first century, the last at Beddington Farmlands on 17 August 2020 (6 birds).
Grey HeronArdea cinereaModerately common breeding resident.
Purple HeronArdea purpurea9 (+1) records, the last at Stoke Water Meadows on 21 May 2014.
Great White EgretArdea albaScarce but increasing visitor.
Little EgretEgretta garzettaIncreasingly common, scarce breeder
OspreyPandion haliaetusScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species. 
Honey BuzzardPernis apivorusScarce passage migrant and rare breeding species.  Amber-listed species.
Short-toed EagleCircaetus gallicusOne record, at Thursley Common on 12 July 2014. 
Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipter nisusModerately common breeding resident.
Northern GoshawkAccipter gentilisScare breeding resident and passage migrant.
Marsh HarrierCircus aeruginosusScarce passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Hen HarrierCircus cyaneusScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Pallid HarrierCircus macrourusOne record, a male at Send on 31 March 2013.
Montagu’s HarrierCircus pygargusRare passage migrant, former breeder.  15 records since 1908 (when last bred), the last at Thursley Common on 16 May 2016. Amber-listed species.
Black KiteMilvus migrans5 records, the last over Capel on 10 April 2019.
Red KiteMilvus milvusIncreasingly common resident.
White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albica8 records, all prior to 1907 except one over Worcester Park on 14 April 2020.  Red-listed species.
Rough-legged BuzzardButeo lagopus4 (+9) records, the last at Richmond Park on 27 October 2007.
Common BuzzardButeo buteoCommon breeding resident.
Barn OwlTyto albaScarce breeding resident.  
Tawny OwlStrix alucoCommon breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
Little OwlAthene noctuaUncommon breeding resident.
Long-eared OwlAsio otusScarce winter visitor and irregular breeding species
Short-eared OwlAsio flammeusScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
HoopoeUpup epopsScarce migrant, has bred.
European RollerCoracias garrulus4 records, the last at Thursley Common on 26 May 2013.
Common KingfisherAlcedo atthisModerately common breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
European Bee-eaterMerops apiaster10 (+2) records, the last over Howell Hill, Ewell on 1 June 2020.
Eurasian WryneckJynx torqillaScarce passage migrant, formerly bred.  Red-listed species.
Lesser Spotted WoodpeckerDryobates minorIncreasingly scarce breeding resident.  Red-listed species.  
Great Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopus majorCommon breeding resident.
Green WoodpeckerPicus viridisCommon breeding resident.
Common KestrelFalco tinnunculusModerately common breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
Red-footed FalconFalco vespertinus8 (+6) records, the last at Thursley Common on 18 May 2020.
MerlinFalco columbariusScarce winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
HobbyFalco subbuteoModerately common breeding summer visitor.
Gyr FalconFalco rusticolusOne record, a pale phase bird at Rushett Farm, Chessington on 14-19 March 1972.
Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinusIncreasing breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Rose-ringed ParakeetPsittacula krameriLocally common feral breeding resident.
Red-backed ShrikeLanius collurioScarce passage migrant; formerly bred.  Red-listed species.
[Daurian/Turkestan Shrike]Lanius isabellinus/phoenicuroidesOne record; a bird found dead in Richmond on 21 March 1994. 
Lesser Grey ShrikeLanius minor2 records, Banstead Downs on 21 May 1956 and a dying bird at Haslemere on 18 November 1973.
Great Grey ShrikeLanius excubitorScarce winter visitor and passage migrant.
Woodchat ShrikeLanius senator10 (+3) records, the last at Richmond Park on 12 June 2005.
Golden OrioleOriolus oriolusVery scarce summer visitor.  Red-listed species.
Eurasian JayGarrulus glandariusCommon breeding resident.
MagpiePica picaCommon breeding resident.
NutcrackerNucifraga caryocatactes5 (+6) records, the last at Seale on 10 to 12 October 1975.
Eurasian JackdawColoeus monedulaCommon breeding resident.
RookCorvus frugilegusCommon breeding resident.
Carrion CrowCorvus coroneCommon breeding resident.
Hooded CrowCorvus cornixRare winter visitor, formerly more common.
RavenCorvus coraxScarce but increasing breeding resident.
WaxwingBombycilla garrulousScarce, irruptive, winter visitor.
Coal TitPeriparus aterCommon breeding resident.
Marsh TitPoecile palustrisUncommon and declining breeding resident.  Red-listed species.
Willow TitPoecile montanaFormer breeding resident, last record  2007.  Red-listed species.
Blue TitCyanistes caeruleusCommon breeding resident.
Great TitParus majorCommon breeding resident.
Penduline TitRemiz pendulinusOne record at Walton Reservoirs on 24 and 25 March 2018.
Bearded TitPanurus biarmicusScarce winter visitor, bred before 1900.
WoodlarkLullula arboreaLocally common breeding resident. 
SkylarkAlauda arvensisCommon but declining breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Shore LarkEremophila alpestris5 (+1) records, the last at Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on 25 October to 1 November 2011.  Amber-listed species.
Greater Short-toed LarkCalandrella brachydactylaOne record, at Beddington Farmlands on 24 April 1966.
Sand MartinRiparia ripariaModerately common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Barn SwallowHirundo rusticaCommon breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Crag MartinPtyonoprogne rupestrisOne record, at Tice’s Meadow on 22 October 2006.
House MartinDelichon urbicumCommon breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Red-rumped SwallowCecropis daurica10 records, the last at Island Barn Reservoir 27-28 April 2017.
Cetti’s WarblerCettia cettiScarce breeding resident
Long-tailed TitAegithalos caudatusCommon breeding resident.
Wood WarblerPhylloscopus sibilatrixScarce summer visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Yellow-browed WarblerPhylloscopus inornatusScarce passage migrant and winter visitor
Pallas’s WarblerPhylloscopus proregulus3 records, the last at McLaren Park, Woking on 1 November 2010.
Willow WarblerPhylloscopus trochilusDeclining breeding summer visitor and common passage migrant.  Amber-listed species.
Common ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybitaCommon breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.  Small numbers over-winter.
Great Reed WarblerAcrocephalus arundinaceus4 (+1) records, the last at Frensham Great Pond on 30 April 2005.
Aquatic WarblerAcrocephalus paludicola4 records, the last at Surrey Docks on 23-24 September 1977. Red-listed species.
Sedge WarblerAcrocephalus schoenobaenusModerately common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Reed WarblerAcrocephalus scirpaceusLocally common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Marsh WarblerAcrocephalus palustris14 (+1) records, has bred.  The last record was at Chelsea Reservoir, Walton on 7 June 2018. Red-listed species. 
Melodious WarblerHippolais polyglotta3 records, the last at Papercourt on 13 to 15 October 1991.
Icterine WarblerHippolais icterina2 records, at Seears Park, Cheam, on 10 June 1983 and at Abinger on 13 September 1987.
Grasshopper WarblerLocustella naeviaScarce summer visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Savi’s WarblerLocustella luscinioidesOne record at the London Wetland Centre, Barnes on 3 June 2018
BlackcapSylvia atricapillaCommon breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.  Small numbers over-winter.
Garden WarblerSylvia borinCommon breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Barred WarblerCurruca nisoriaOne record, in Richmond Park on 21 September 1985.
Lesser WhitethroatCurruca currucaModerately common but declining breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Sardinian WarblerCurruca melanocephalaOne record, a bird trapped at Berrylands SF on 2 June 1992.  This was the first record for inland Britain.
Eastern Subalpine WarblerCurruca cantillansOne record, at Lonsdale Road Reservoir on 21 April 2003.
Common WhitethroatCurruca communisCommon breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
Dartford WarblerCurruca undataLocalised breeding resident in fluctuating numbers.  Amber-listed species.
FirecrestRegulus ignicapillusModerately common breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. 
GoldcrestRegulus regulusCommon breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
WrenTroglodytes troglodytesCommon breeding resident.
Eurasian NuthatchSitta europaeaCommon breeding resident.
Eurasian TreecreeperCerthia familiarisCommon breeding resident.
Rosy StarlingSturnus roseus9 (+5) records, the last at Horley on 31 May 2020.
Common StarlingSternus vulgarisCommon breeding resident.  Red-listed species.
Ring OuzelTurdus torquatusScarce passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
BlackbirdTurdus merulaCommon breeding resident.
FieldfareTurdus pilarisCommon winter visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
RedwingTurdus iliacusCommon winter visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Song ThrushTurdus philomelosCommon breeding resident.  Red-listed species.
Mistle ThrushTurdus viscivorusCommon breeding resident.  Red-listed species.
American RobinTurdus migratorius3 records, the last in Peckham on 27 to 28 March 2006.
Spotted FlycatcherMuscicapa striataBreeding summer visitor in declining numbers.  Red-listed species.
European RobinErithaca rubeculaCommon breeding resident.
BluethroatLuscinia svecica7 (+2) records, the last at Frensham Great Pond on 29 April 2006.
Common NightingaleLuscinia megarhynchos Moderately common breeding summer visitor.  Red-listed species.
Pied FlycatcherFicedula hypoleucaScarce passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Red-breasted FlycatcherFicedula parva7 records, the last at Beaulieu Heights Wood, Norwood, on 5 to 7 November 1998.
Black RedstartPhoenicurus ochrurosVery scarce breeding summer visitor and scarce passage migrant, occasionally wintering.  Red-listed species.
Common RedstartPhoenicurus phoenicurusLocally common breeding summer visitor.  Amber-listed species.
WhinchatSaxicola rubetraModerately common passage migrant.  Formerly bred.  Red-listed species.
European StonechatSaxicola rubicolaLocally common breeding resident and passage migrant.
Northern WheatearOenanthe oenantheModerately common passage migrant.  Has bred. 
Desert WheatearOenanthe desertiOne record, at Barn Elms Reservoirs on 13-14 April 1989.  Possibly the first record for an inland county.
DipperCinclus cinclus1 (+7) records, the last at Leigh Mill Pond on 13 April 1965.  Amber-listed species.
House SparrowPasser domesticusCommon breeding resident.  Red-listed species.
Tree SparrowPasser montanusVery scarce resident.  Red-listed species.
DunnockPrunella modularisCommon breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
Yellow WagtailMotacilla flavaModerately common passage migrant.  Formerly bred.  Red-listed species.
Citrine WagtailMotacilla citreolaOne record, at Beddington Farmlands on 24 to 28 August 1993.
Grey WagtailMotacilla cinereaModerately common breeding resident and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Pied WagtailMotacilla albaCommon breeding resident.
Richard’s PipitAnthus richardi4 (+1) records, the last at Beddington Farmlands on 29-31 October 2018
Tawny PipitAnthus campestris3 records, the last at Beddington Farmlands on 6 September 1992 (2 birds).
Meadow PipitAnthus pratensisCommon passage migrant and winter visitor.  Localised breeder.  Amber-listed species.
Tree PipitAnthus trivialisLocally common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.  Red-listed species.
Red-throated PipitAnthus cervinus8 records, the last at Hascombe on 15 October 2019.
Water PipitAnthus spinolettaScarce passage migrant and winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Rock PipitAnthus petrosusScarce passage migrant and winter visitor.  
Common ChaffinchFringilla coelebsCommon breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
BramblingFringilla montifringillaModerately common winter visitor and passage migrant.
HawfinchCoccothraustes coccothraustesScarce breeding resident and winter visitor. Unprecedented irruption into the county in winter 2017/18. Red-listed species.
BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhulaModerately common breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.
Common RosefinchCarpodacus erythrinus  2 records, Beddington Farmlands on 13 July 1995 and Walton Heath on 16 June 1996.
GreenfinchChloris chlorisCommon resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
TwiteLinaria flavirostrisDeclining winter visitor, now very scarce. 20 (+2) records, the last at Beddington Farmlands in winter 2017/18.  Red-listed species.
LinnetLinaria cannabinaModerately common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.  Red-listed species.
Common RedpollAcanthis flammeaScarce winter visitor.  Amber-listed species.
Lesser RedpollAcanthis cabaretModerately common passage migrant and winter visitor.  Very scarce breeder.  Red-listed species.
Arctic RedpollAcanthis hornemanni2 records – Godstone SP on 10 to 11 March 1991 and a bird of the race exilipes (Coues’s Arctic Redpoll) in a Weybridge garden 15 to 19 March 2011.
Parrot CrossbillLoxia pytyopsittacus2 records from the 19th century, one from the twentieth and a flock of at least 16 birds at Wishmoor Bottom 27 November 2017 to 5 March 2018.  Amber-listed species.
Common CrossbillLoxia curvirostraScarce breeding resident periodically augmented by irruptions.
Two-barred CrossbillLoxia leucoptera3 (+6) records, the most recent at South Holmwood/Leith Hill on 8 Oct 2013 to 19 April 2014 and at Tilford and then Farnham Heath RSPB from 4 to 26 March  2014
GoldfinchCarduelis carduelisCommon breeding resident and passage migrant.
European SerinSerinus serinus4 records, the last at Beddington Farmlands 15-21 November 2015.  Amber-listed species.
SiskinSpinus spinusCommon winter visitor and passage migrant.  Scarce breeder.  
Lapland BuntingCalcarius lapponicus22 (+4) records. Last at Thorpe Park on 25 September 2015. Amber-listed species.
Snow BuntingPlectrophenax nivalisRare winter visitor.  Last at Wimbledon Common on 4 January 2015. Amber-listed species.
Corn BuntingEmberiza calandraFormer breeding resident. Now very scarce.  Red-listed species.
YellowhammerEmberiza citrinellaModerately common but decreasing breeding resident.  Red-listed species.
Pine BuntingEmberiza leucocephalosOne record, a bird found dead at Ewhurst on 29 January 1989.
Ortolan BuntingEmberiza hortulana19 (+1) records, with a recent increase due to sound-recording of nocturnal migration, the last sound-recorded over Wallington on 10 September 2020.
Cirl BuntingEmberiza cirlusFormer breeding resident, last recorded in 1993.  Red-listed species.
Little BuntingEmberiza pusilla7 records, the last at Pyford from 5 to 31 March 2016.
Rustic BuntingEmberiza rusticaOne record, at Beddington Farmlands from 9 February to 13 March 1993.
Reed BuntingEmberiza schoenicusModerately common breeding resident.  Amber-listed species.

Species not recorded since 1949 (Category B)

Black GrouseLyrurus tetrixFormer breeding species.  Extinct since c1900.  Red-listed species.
Ruddy ShelduckTadorna ferrugineaScarce, has bred.  All records since 1900 presumed to be of feral birds.
Little BustardTetrax tetraxOne old record, in or about 1877. 
Pallas’s SandgrouseSyrrhaptes paradoxusA number of records in the 1888 eruption.  Last record was of 3 on 28 June 1908, part of another influx.
Baillon’s CrakeZapornia pusillaTwo records from the 19th century.
Little CrakeZapornia parvaUp to 3 old records, the last in 1910 not considered reliable.
Collared PratincoleGlareola pratincolaTwo old records, the last in 1858.  There have been more recent records of Pratincole sp in 1948 and 1971.
Great SnipeGallinago mediaOne old record, not later than 1850.
Black GuillemotCepphus grylleThree undated records before 1900.  Amber listed species.
Red-billed ChoughPyrrhocorax pyrrhocoraxAt least one old record (1836).
Crested TitLophophanes cristatus2 old records, and one near Godstone on 10 April 1945. 
Crested LarkGalerida cristataOne record, on the bank of the Thames near Hammersmith Bridge on 8 March 1947 (2 birds).
Siberian ThrushGeokichla sibiricaA record of a bird said to have been shot c1850 may have been a good record.
Alpine AccentorPrunella collarisTwo records from the 19th century.

The Surrey Life List Table can be found here.

Part B: Species recorded only in Spelthorne

Note: Spelthorne is part of present-day Surrey, but does not form part of the Watsonian vice-county, so lies outside the Surrey recording area

Baird’s SandpiperCalidris bairdiiTwo records; Perry Oaks SF on 17-22 September 1950 and Staines Reservoirs rom 14 October 1982 to 24 April 1983. 
Sharp-tailed SandpiperCalidris acuminataOne record, at Staines Reservoirs on 6 August 1976.
Long-billed DowitcherLimnodromus scolopaceusTwo records; Staines Reservoirs 1-15 October 1977 and a bird seen at several locations on a number of dates between 4 October and 4 November 1987.
Solitary SandpiperTringa solitariaA bird at Perry Oaks SF on 22 July 1977 may have been inside the Spelthorne boundary.
Wilson’s PhalaropePhalaropus tricolorTwo records, both at Staines Reservoirs; 14-26 September 1983 and 5-13 September 1997. 
Sooty TernOnychoprion fuscataOne record, at Staines Reservoirs on 18 August 1971.
Whiskered TernChlidonias hybridaFour records, the last at King George VI and Staines Reservoirs on 22-25 May 2005.
Brown ShrikeLanius cristatusOne record; a bird on Staines Moor on 11 October to 17 December 2009 and again on 1 and 2 January 2010.