
There are two active petitions to Parliament which might be of interest to Surrey Bird Club members:

Limit the shooting season of Woodcock

Mark Avery, Chris Packham and Ruth Tingay (Wild Justice) want the opening of the Woodcock shooting season to be pushed back to 1 December. 160,000 Woodcock are shot for fun across the UK whilst their population is declining. The Defra Secretary of State has powers to vary the shooting season.

Limit the shooting season of Woodcock – Petitions (

Deadline: 25 January 2023

Make swift bricks compulsory in new housing to help red-listed birds

Swifts have declined … Read more

RSPB talk for SBC members

The reformed RSPB Crawley & Horsham Local Group invites Surrey Bird Club to attend a free Zoom meeting:

Saving special places

by Dr Andre Farrar, Protected Area Campaigner, the RSPB

Wednesday, 23 November 2022: 7.30 pm

To take part in this event, please email: 

We will send you the link to join the Zoom meeting a few days before the event.

Imagine the confusion as a bird returns to the place that a few months previously had provided for all its needs. But now the landscape has changed, nesting scrub has gone to be replaced by roads and houses, Read more

November 2022

Wednesday 30th

Brent Goose, Beddington Farmlands (D Warren).
Brent Goose, Beddington Farmlands (D Warren).

Beddington Farmlands: Brent Goose on North Lake; also Shelduck (S Thomas/D Warren).

London Wetland Centre: Dartford Warbler on Wader Scrape; also female Goldeneye (M Wheeler/A Wilkinson).

Papercourt Water Meadows: Water Pipit in fields off Tannery Lane (J Hobden).

Worcester Park: Little Bunting briefly near stables at Lower Morden Equestrian Centre at 12:00 but no further sign by 13:10; 10th Surrey record pending acceptance (C Northwood).

Tuesday 29th

Beddington Farmlands: Shelduck on North Lake (D Warren).

Cutt Mill Ponds: 7 Goosander (5 drakes and 1 redhead on … Read more