June 2019

Sunday 30 June

Holmethorpe SP: Common Sandpiper on Railway Pools (G Hay).

London Wetland Centre: 41 Black-tailed Godwits by WWF Hide early afternoon (second highest Surrey count); also Common Sandpiper (WWT).

Richmond Park: Red-crested Pochard (P Pentek).

South Norwood Lake: Common Gull flew over (J Watson).

Caspian Gull, West Molesey (D Harris).
Caspian Gull, West Molesey (D Harris).

Tice’s Meadow: 16 Black-tailed Godwits in morning then flew south-east; also Common Sandpiper and two Green Sandpipers (J Brough/M Elsoffer/L Winchcombe).

West Molesey: returning adult Caspian Gull flew down River Thames early morning (D Harris).

Saturday 29 June

Frensham Common: 10 … Read more

Woking Peregrines

Woking Peregrine chick, 15/05/2019, (Craig Denford)

The five chicks are still doing well and were colour-ringed yesterday. Join us in Woking’s Jubilee Square on Saturday (18th May) between 10 am and 4 pm where we hope to see both parents flying in with food. We will have a telescope looking at the ledge outside the nest area, as well as an iPad so that you can see what is happening inside the nest too. In the meantime, you can see what is happening now.

Photo: Woking Peregrine chick, Craig Denford 15/05/2019

Website Comments

Relaunched website proves popular

Here are some of the comments

“It looks terrific”, “Love the new website”, ” It looks terrific, a great step forward “, “A big fat well done to all involved!”

However the website team would love to have some more recent images to add to the relaunched website so please do e-mail your bird photos to

And, if you have news you would like to have included on this page, please contact 

Photo: Wood Warbler, Dave Carlsson

May 2019

Friday 31 May

London Wetland Centre: Ringed Plover (WWT).

Tice’s Meadow: Curlew (TMBG).

Thursday 30 May

London Wetland Centre: Yellow Wagtail (WWT).

Wednesday 29 May

Esher: Crane or stork species flew southwest (B Waller).

Tuesday 28 May

Beddington Farmlands: 174 Carrion Crows (BFBG).

Monday 27 May

Thursley Common: no sign of Golden Oriole.

Tice’s Meadow: Oystercatcher (M Elsoffer).

Sunday 26 May

Thursley Common: male Golden Oriole singing in woodland adjacent to Parish Field for c.20 minutes mid-morning though no further sign in afternoon (P Marshall).

Tice’s Meadow: Ringed Plover and two … Read more

New Website

Woodlark – Eric Soden

The new website is launched and, by popular demand, Recent Sightings is back. Here is a photo recently submitted to the club by the Chairman. Please do submit your Photos and your own Recent Sightings.

If you have news you would like to see on this page, then please contact

Photo: Woodlark, Eric Soden

April 2019

Yellow Wagtail, Dave Harris

Tuesday 30th April

  • LWC Barnes: Wood Sandpiper, two Little Ringed Plovers, two Yellow Wagtails, three Redshanks, Shelduck and Garganey pair (WWT)
  • Stoke: Hobby flew through also one Swift
  • Tices Meadow: Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper & 40 Swifts. (Mike Huddie)
  • Tices Meadow: Wood Sandpiper (K Duncan)
  • Blackheath: Common Crossbill, Woodlark, Dartford Warbler, Redstart, Willow Warbler and Stonechat
    (S Chastell)

Pulborough Brooks

Jay at Pulborough Brooks 24/03/2019 (Sean Ellis)

The field trip to RSPB Pulborough Brooks in March 2019 was a great success. Sixty-five species seen in all with lots of singing Chiffchaff. Sixteen members and three non-members had a great time with many staying on to enjoy the great food at the café where it was warm enough to sit outside.

Photo: Jay at RSPB Pulborough Brooks 24/03/2019,
Sean Ellis

Woking Peregrines 2019

Peregrines-mating – James-Sellen

21 March 2019: The Woking Peregrines are using the nest box again this year at the top of the BAT tower in Woking . The fifth egg was laid today. Watch the progress live on the web www.wokingperegrines.com

Photo: Peregrines mating, James Sellen

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