January 2024
Wednesday 31st
Effingham Forest: 2 Goshawks at Dick Focks Common (A Bird).
Kew: Common Sandpiper by Kew Bridge (M Wright).
Kingston upon Thames: 1st-winter Caspian Gull at recycling centre (BirdGuides).
Leatherhead: drake Goosander on River Mole (A Holden).
London Wetland Centre: male Bearded Tit; also Bittern on Reservoir Lagoon and 2 Shelduck on Main Lake (A Salmon/A Wilkinson).
Richmond: Common Sandpiper by River Thames (M Bravery).
Tate Modern: female Black Redstart (BirdGuides).
Tuesday 30th
Cutt Mill Ponds: 8 Goosander (A Smith).
Effingham Forest: Crossbill at Dick Focks Common (P Davies).
London Wetland Centre: Jack Snipe on Grazing Marsh and female Goldeneye on Main Lake (A Wilkinson).
South Holmwood: 30+ Bramblings at Lodge Farm (J Waterman).
Tate Modern: female Black Redstart; also 2 Shelduck upriver (R Braddock).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
Virginia Water Lake: c 10 Bramblings with Chaffinches (R Haydon).
Monday 29th
Ashtead: 34+ Waxwings in front garden of 15 Greville Park Road (BirdGuides/M Davis/S Gale/A Holden).
Beddington Farmlands: 3 Shelduck (R Walker).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 1+ Goosander (A Bird).
Effingham Forest: Hawfinch at Dick Focks Common (BirdGuides).
Leith Hill: Brambling and Crossbill (M Davis).
London Wetland Centre: 2 Shelduck on Main Lake (A Wilkinson).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
Unstead SF: Green Sandpiper (S Brownhill).
Virginia Water Lake: 2 Bramblings with Chaffinches (R Haydon).
Sunday 28th
Ashtead: c 60 Waxwings west over West Farm Avenue (D Kiddell).
Beddington Farmlands: 2 Water Pipits, 8 Jack Snipe, 2 Green Sandpipers and 2 Shelduck (I Jones).
Crooksbury Common: 2 Crossbills (M Fincham).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 6 Goosander (D Dack).
Effingham Forest: Hawfinch, male Goshawk, 2 Bramblings and 15 Crossbills at Dick Focks Common (P Davies/P Matthews/R Mist/N Taylor).
Farnham: 23 Waxwings at Three Stiles Road (BirdGuides).
Frensham Great Pond: Goosander (S Brownhill).
Holmethorpe SP: Green Sandpiper on pool by Cormongers Lane (G Hay/I Kehl).
Leith Hill: 30 Crossbills on Dukes Warren (W Attridge).
London Wetland Centre: male Bearded Tit in Wildside reedbed; also 2 Bitterns (Main Lake and Reservoir Lagoon), Water Pipit on Grazing Marsh, 2 Yellow-legged Gulls and female Goldeneye (J Hughes/T Richardson/A Salmon/M Wheeler).
Shalford Water Meadows: 2 Jack Snipe (K Britten/E Stubbs).
Tate Modern: Black Redstart on roof of Shakespeare Globe Theatre (D McKenzie).
Thursley Common: 2 redhead Goosander on Forked Pond (D Brassington).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also 3 Green Sandpipers (R Horton).
Unstead SF: Green Sandpiper on Flooded Field (J Parr).
Saturday 27th
Beddington Farmlands: adult Mediterranean Gull on Wet Grassland; also 3 Shelduck and Green Sandpiper (G Jones/J Pettit/D Warren).
Chobham Common: 2 Mealy Redpolls (adult male and 1st-winter male) trapped and ringed (S Musievski).
Crooksbury Common: 10+ Crossbills (S Brownhill).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 11 Goosander (2 drakes) on The Tarn/house pond (R Seargent).
Effingham Forest: Hawfinch and Goshawk at Dick Focks Common (P Matthews).
Frensham Great Pond: Goosander (S Brownhill).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern and Water Pipit on Reservoir Lagoon; also 2 Shelduck (C Dewhurst/A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also 2 Green Sandpipers (R Seargent).
Westcott: 2 Hawfinches over Logmore Lane and 3 Goosander over Wescott Sports Club (W Attridge/A Holden).
Friday 26th
Beddington Farmlands: 4 Water Pipit, 3 Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper and Shelduck (N Gardner).
Effingham Forest: Hawfinch and Goshawk at Dick Focks Common (A Bird).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern and 3 Shelduck (C Dewhurst/A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: Black-necked Grebe and Green Sandpiper (R Horton).
Unstead SF: Green Sandpiper on Flooded Field (J Parr).
Thursday 25th
Beddington Farmlands: Green Sandpiper and 4 Shelduck (D Warren).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 11 Goosander (2 drakes) on The Tarn (A Harding).
Effingham Forest: 7 Hawfinches, 2 Bramblings and 5 Crossbills at Dick Focks Common (P Davies).
Frensham Great Pond: 4 Goosander (S Brownhill).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern, female Goldeneye and 2 Shelduck (BirdGuides/A Salmon).
Merstham: 5 Waxwings in trees by train station car park (BirdGuides).
Ranmore Common: 1+ Hawfinch at Bagden Wood (N Unwin).
Tate Modern: Black Redstart on roof of Shakespeare Globe Theatre (R Braddock).
Tice’s Meadow: Golden Plover (R Horton).
Weybourne: Waxwing at Hillside Road (J Gates).
Wednesday 24th
Leatherhead: Goosander (R Iredale).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern on Reservoir Lagoon and female Goldeneye on Main Lake and 2 Shelduck (M Parker/A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
Tuesday 23rd
Beddington Farmlands: Green Sandpiper (M Bravery).
Chessington: 6 Waxwings at Bridge Road/Moor Lane (S Jones).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern, female Goldeneye and 2 Shelduck on Main Lake (A Salmon).
West End: 8 Waxwings by West End Inn (S Harley).
Monday 22nd
Ashtead: 12 Waxwings at Timber Hill (J Snell/B Young).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 7 (1 drake) Goosander (D Cox).
London Wetland Centre: female Goldeneye on Main Lake (A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
West End: 10 Waxwings (one colour-ringed) by West End Inn (BirdGuides).
Wimbledon: Kittiwake on roof on Midmoor Road and taken into care (P Redmond).
Sunday 21st
Ashtead: 25 Waxwings at Barnett Wood Lane (D Kiddell).
Beddington Farmlands: 1st-winter Yellow legged Gull; also 4 Water Pipits, 7 Jack Snipe, 3 Shelduck and Green Sandpiper (D Bulling/I Jones/M Rowell).
Effingham Forest: Hawfinch at Dick Focks Common; also 15 Crossbills (BirdGuides/P Hughes/S Nicholls).
Farnham: 4 Waxwings at Haven Way (J Gates).
Holmethorpe SP: Jack Snipe at Chilmead Farm (G Hay).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern on Reservoir Lagoon; also female Goldeneye and Shelduck (S Patel/A Wilkinson).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also Green Sandpiper (R Horton/R Seargent).
West End: 10 Waxwings (one colour-ringed) by Gordon’s School/West End Inn (S Harley/M Maloney).
Saturday 20th
Beddington Farmlands: 12 Jack Snipe; also 4 Water Pipits, Green Sandpiper and Shelduck (N Gardner/J Griffin).
Effingham Forest: 3 Bramblings and 5 Crossbills (L Jones).
Frensham Little Pond: 15 Crossbills (A Barker).
Hackbridge: 1+ Waxwings (G Dunning).
Holmethorpe SP: Green Sandpiper at The Moors (G Hay).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern on Reservoir Lagoon; also female Goldeneye and 2 Shelduck on Main Lake (D Campbell/A Salmon/K Snepp).
Richmond Park: Curlew south-west over Pen Ponds (D Brasier).
Unstead SF: Green Sandpiper (R Mist).
West End: 11 Waxwings by West End Inn (S Harley).
Friday 19th
Bowlhead Green: Hawfinch (D Britten).
Hankley Common: 19 Crossbills at Pitch Place (P Davies/S Harley).
Kingston upon Thames: 3rd-winter Caspian Gull at recycling centre (BirdGuides).
London Wetland Centre: 2 Bitterns on Reservoir Lagoon; also Water Pipit on Wader Scrape (A Salmon).
Papercourt Water Meadows: Water Pipit by Wey near Woking Palace (A Goddard).
Thursley Common: 2 Crossbills (B Smithies).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
Westfield: 7 Waxwings at Westfield Common (C Badenhorst).
Thursday 18th
Beddington Farmlands: 10 Jack Snipe; also 3 Water Pipits, Green Sandpiper and drake Shelduck (Z Pannifer).
Effingham Forest: 2 Bramblings and 9 Crossbills (N Harris/V Hiscock).
Farnham: 20+ Waxwings at east end of Ribston Road (BirdGuides).
Kew: Common Sandpiper by River Thames (M Wright).
London Wetland Centre: 4 Bitterns on Reservoir Lagoon; also Water Pipit and female Goldeneye (P Andrews/C Moore/T Richardson).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also Dartford Warbler and Green Sandpiper (R Horton).
Wednesday 17th
Dorking: 4 Goosander on River Mole (R Warner).
Epsom: 15 Waxwings at Pine Hill (A Harding).
Kingston upon Thames: 3rd-winter Caspian Gull at recycling centre (BirdGuides).
London Wetland Centre: male Bearded Tit by Wildside Hide; also Bittern on Main Lake (C Moore/A Salmon).
Tuesday 16th
Beddington Farmlands: Water Pipit, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper and 2 Shelduck (I Jones/Z Pannifer).
Cutt Mill Ponds: Goosander (J Smith).
Leith Hill: 2 Crossbills (P Short).
London Wetland Centre: 3 Bitterns (2 on Reservoir Lagoon and 1 on Main Lake); also Water Pipit on Grazing Marsh and female Goldeneye (A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
Monday 15th
Beddington Farmlands: 2 Water Pipits and 2 Shelduck (D Bulling).
Effingham Forest: 12+ Bramblings; also 2 Crossbills (C Graham).
Godstone: male Goshawk west (G Hay).
Leith Hill: 25 Brambling and 4 Crossbills (W Attridge/T Gibson).
London Wetland Centre: 2 Water Pipits on Main Lake; also 2 Bitterns (Main Lake and Reservoir Lagoon) and 2 Shelduck (A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also Dartford Warbler (BirdGuides/K Cobbett).
Sunday 14th
Balham: 15 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: Great Egret north; also 6 Water Pipits, 3 Jack Snipe, 3 Shelduck and 2 Green Sandpipers (D Bulling/N Gardner/I Jones/Z Pannifer/J Pettit).
Effingham Forest: 4 Crossbills at Dick Focks Common (C Graham).
Fetcham Mill Pond: Goosander (J Howell).
Hankley Common: Crossbill (D Brassington).
Knight and Bessborough Reservoirs (permit only): 2 drake Goosander (D Spragg).
London Wetland Centre: male Bearded Tit by Wildside Hide; also 2 Water Pipits (Main Lake and Grazing Marsh), 2 Bitterns (Main Lake and Reservoir Lagoon), female Goldeneye and 2 Shelduck (M Bradbury/M Murphy/A Salmon/L Zurikarai).
Thursley Common: 11 Goosander and 3 Crossbills (D Brassington).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
Wallington: 20 Waxwings north at Stanley Park Road/Boundary Road junction (J East).
Saturday 13th
Ashtead: 30 Waxwings (S Bignold).
Balham: 15 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: 3 Water Pipits; also 3 Jack Snipe and Shelduck (A Harding).
Burgh Heath: 42 Golden Plovers over Canons Farm (I Ward).
Bury Hill Lakes: 12 Hawfinches west (A Holden).
Crooksbury Common: Mealy Redpoll trapped and ringed (J Gates).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 19 (7 drakes; 12 redheads) Goosander (P Osborn).
Effingham Forest: Hawfinch at Dick Focks Common (BirdGuides).
Farnham: 50+ Waxwings at Haven Way (BirdGuides).
Fetcham Mill Pond: Goosander (R Iredale).
Hankley Common: 11 Crossbills at Pitch Place (A Lockett).
London Wetland Centre: male Bearded Tit by Wildside Hide; also Yellow-legged Gull, Bittern and female Goldeneye on Main Lake and 2 Shelduck (D Brassington/A Salmon/L Zurikarai).
Malden Rushett: 22 Golden Plovers at Rushett Farm (I Rowe).
Stoke Lake: Goosander over (M Kettell).
The Hurtwood: Mealy Redpoll (E Stubbs).
Thursley Common: 2 Crossbills (K Britten).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings (BirdGuides).
Westcott: Brambling (M Davis).
Friday 12th
Balham: 15 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 12 Goosander (S Brownhill).
Farnham: 40+ Waxwings at Haven Way (BirdGuides).
Holmethorpe SP: 2 Green Sandpipers at The Moors (G Hay).
Lammas Lands: Jack Snipe (E Stubbs).
Leith Hill: 25 Crossbills near cricket pitch (D Robinson).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern on Reservoir Lagoon; also female Goldeneye (M Honey/P Howell/A Wilkinson).
Mercers CP: 2nd-winter Yellow-legged Gull on Mercers Lake (G Hay).
Peckham Rye Park: Mediterranean Gull (F Symons)
Tice’s Meadow: Black-necked Grebe in The Workings; also Shelduck (BirdGuides/R Seargent).
Thursday 11th
Beddington Farmlands: 6 Great Egrets north-west over North Lake; also Dunlin on North Lake, Firecrest (0 Beddington records last year!), 2 Shelduck and Green Sandpiper (J Pettit/Z Pannifer).
Cranleigh: Waxwing at Elmbridge (J Richardson).
Epsom: 25 Waxwings at St Martin’s Avenue (BirdGuides).
Farnham: 30+ Waxwings at Haven Way (BirdGuides).
Frensham Great Pond: Shelduck and 2 Goosander (E Stubbs).
Holmethorpe SP: 2nd-winter Yellow-legged Gull over The Moors (G Hay).
London Wetland Centre: female Marsh Harrier west mid-morning; also 2 Bitterns (Main Lake and Reservoir Lagoon) and female Goldeneye (M Honey/P Howell/A Wilkinson).
Unstead SF: Green Sandpiper on South Meadow (J Parr).
Wednesday 10th
Balham: 15 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: Shelduck (I Jones).
Cranleigh: male Merlin near Baynard’s Park (F Kelly).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 23 Goosander (A Bird).
Farnham: 45 Waxwings at Haven Way (BirdGuides).
London Wetland Centre: male Bearded Tit by Wildside Hide; also 2 Bitterns on Main Lake, Water Pipit, female Goldeneye and 2 Shelduck (D McKenzie/W Newnham/A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also Green Sandpiper (A Bird).
Tuesday 9th
Beddington Farmlands: 3 Water Pipits, 2 Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper and Shelduck (I Jones).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 16 Goosander (S Malcolm).
Enton Lakes: Great Egret south over Johnson’s Lake (D Brassington).
Farnham: c 20 Waxwings at Cowden Close/Haven Way (BirdGuides).
Leith Hill: 4 Crossbills (J Cassidy).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern and female Goldeneye on Main Lake; also Water Pipit and 3 Shelduck (M Mac/M Rowell/A Wilkinson).
Thursley Common: 20 Crossbills (R Fisher).
Monday 8th

Balham: 15 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: 1st-winter Caspian Gull and 2nd-winter Yellow-legged Gull on Wet Grassland; also 4 Water Pipits, Jack Snipe, 2 Green Sandpipers and 2 Shelduck (D Bulling).
Farnham: c 20 Waxwings at Folly Hill/Haven Way (BirdGuides).
London Wetland Centre: female Goldeneye on Main Lake; also 3 Shelduck (A Wilkinson).
Mercers CP: 2nd-winter Yellow-legged Gull on Mercers Lake (G Hay).
Netley Heath: 3 Crossbills (P Bentley).
Royal Common: 3 Goosander (J Tallon).
Tice’s Meadow: Black-necked Grebe on The Workings (BirdGuides).
Weybridge: 5 Goosander on Broad Water (C Reed).
Sunday 7th
Balham: 14 Waxwings on Calbourne Road/Mayford Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: 3 Water Pipits, 4 Jack Snipe, 3 Green Sandpipers and 3 Shelduck (N Gardner/M Keenan).
Chilworth: Goosander (P Gray).
Churt: redhead Goosander on Lowicks Pond (M Scott).
Cranleigh: Goosander pair over Wildwood Lane (R Stride).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 10 Goosander (R Love).
Effingham Forest: Goshawk at Dick Focks Common (G Carmichael).
Farnham: 30 Waxwings at Haven Way (BirdGuides).
Island Barn Reservoir (permit only): adult and juvenile Great Northern Divers (D Harris).
London Wetland Centre: male Bearded Tit near Wildside Hide; also 2 Bitterns (Main Lake and Reservoir Lagoon), female Goldeneye and 2 Shelduck (BirdGuides/W Newnham/A Wilkinson).
Purley: 10 Waxwings briefly in garden (O Carmona).
Thursley Common: 15 Crossbills (D Brassington).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes on The Workings; also Mediterranean Gull and 2 Green Sandpipers (R Horton/D McKenzie).
Saturday 6th
Balham: 14 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: 2 Water Pipits, Jack Snipe, 2 Shelduck and Green Sandpiper (G Jones/M Murphy).
Chiddingfold Forest: 2+ Mealy Redpolls at Old Lands (E Stubbs).
Cranleigh: 3 Waxwings at Elmbridge (J Richardson).
Crooksbury Common: 2 Crossbills (J Gates).
East Horsley: 7 Waxwings at Kingston Avenue (C Kemp).
Farnham: 70+ Waxwings at Haven Way/Manor Road (BirdGuides).
Island Barn Reservoir (permit only): adult and juvenile Great Northern Divers; also Goldeneye and Green Sandpiper (D Harris).
London Wetland Centre: Redshank on Wader Scrape; also Bittern on Reservoir Lagoon, Water Pipit and female Goldeneye (T Richardson/A Wilkinson).
Tice’s Meadow: Green Sandpiper (J Brown).
Triggs Lock: redhead Goosander on floods (M Kettell).
Friday 5th
Balham: 14 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
East Horsley: 10 Waxwings at Bishopsmead Parade/Kingston Avenue (BirdGuides).
Effingham Forest: Goshawk and 20 Crossbills at Dick Focks Common (V Hiscock).
Farnham: 70+ Waxwings at Cowden Close/Haven Way (BirdGuides).
London Wetland Centre: female Goldeneye on Main Lake (D Panchaud/A Wilkinson).
Pennymead Lake: 4 Goosander (G Lewis).
Polesden Lacey: Brambling (G Elton).
Thursday 4th
Balham: 14 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: Water Pipit, Jack Snipe, 2 Shelduck and Green Sandpiper (D Warren).
East Horsley: 11 Waxwings at Kingston Avenue (BirdGuides).
Farnham: 10 Waxwings at Cowden Close (BirdGuides).
London Wetland Centre: Bittern on Main Lake and Water Pipit on Grazing Marsh and female Goldeneye on Main Lake (D Cox).
Wednesday 3rd
Balham: 14 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: 1st-winter Caspian Gull; also 4 Water Pipits, Jack Snipe, 2 Shelduck and 3 Green Sandpipers (Z Pannifer).
Bisley: male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (A Clifford).
East Horsley: 6 Waxwings at Kingston Avenue (BirdGuides).
Farnham: 63+ Waxwings at Haven Way (BirdGuides).
Kingston upon Thames: 3rd-winter Caspian Gull at recycling centre (BirdGuides).
London Wetland Centre: Water Pipit on Grazing Marsh and female Goldeneye on Main Lake (A Salmon).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also Mediterranean Gull and Green Sandpiper (BirdGuides/R Horton).
Tuesday 2nd
Balham: 12 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: Mediterranean Gull (J Griffin).
East Horsley: 6 Waxwings at Kingston Avenue (BirdGuides).
Effingham Forest: 3 Crossbills at Dick Focks Common (T Morgan).
Farnham: 30+ Waxwings at Haven Way (M Smith).
Island Barn Reservoir (permit only): juvenile Great Northern Divers (D Harris).
London Wetland Centre: female Goldeneye (M Bravery).
Wimbledon: 2 Waxwings in private garden (BirdGuides).
Monday 1st
Balham: 14 Waxwings on Calbourne Road (BirdGuides).
Beddington Farmlands: 4 Water Pipits; also 2 Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper and 3 Shelduck (D Bulling/I Jones/Z Pannifer/M Rowell/D Warren).
Cutt Mill Ponds: 14 Goosander (M Fincham).
East Horsley: 6 Waxwings at Kingston Avenue (BirdGuides).
Effingham Forest: Hawfinch at Dick Focks Common; also 2 Bramblings (J James/J Lynton-Jenkins).
Farnham: 13 Waxwings at Haven Way (BirdGuides).
Frensham Outlet Pond: 4 Goosander (N Jones).
London Wetland Centre: 1st-winter Caspian Gull; also Bittern on Main Lake, Water Pipit on Grazing Marsh, female Goldeneye and 2 Shelduck (S Fowles/W Newnham/G Prescott/T Rosas/A Salmon/A Wilkinson/B Wilson).
Papercourt Marshes: Brent Goose (R Mooney).
Pennymead Lake: 6 (5 drakes) Goosander (D Cox).
Tice’s Meadow: 2 Black-necked Grebes in The Workings; also 3 Golden Plovers, 4 Goosander and Green Sandpiper (R Addison/R Horton/R Seargent).
Unstead SF: Green Sandpiper (R Marshall).