March 2021

COVID-19: please continue to follow the latest government guidelines on social distancing and exercising outdoors.

Wednesday 31st

Siberian Chiffchaff, Beddington Farmlands (P Alfrey).
Siberian Chiffchaff, Beddington Farmlands (P Alfrey).

Ash Ranges: Tree Pipit and Willow Warbler (R Seargent).

Beddington Farmlands: Siberian Chiffchaff near footpath; also 1st-winter Yellow-legged Gull, Willow Warbler and 10 Shelduck (P Alfrey/Z Pannifer/P Wallace/A Wilkinson).

Berrylands SF: Green Sandpiper (S Neal).

Burgh Heath: Wheatear at Canons Farm (S Gale).

Crooksbury Common: Tree Pipit (G Robson).

Holmethorpe SP: female Ring-necked Duck on Railway Pools North; also White-fronted Goose on Spynes Mere, 2 House Martins and Swallow (G Hay/R … Read more

February 2021

COVID-19: please continue to follow the latest government guidelines on social distancing and exercising outdoors.

Sunday 28th

Brambling, Capel (W Attridge).
Brambling, Capel (W Attridge).

Beddington Farmlands: juvenile Iceland Gull; also 1st-winter Caspian Gull and Shelduck (N Gardner/Z Pannifer/P Wallace).

Capel: 2 Bramblings (W Attridge).

Crooksbury Common: 20+ Crossbills flew south-east (J Gates).

Holmethorpe SP: female Ring-necked Duck on Railway Pools (G Hay).

Knight & Bessborough Reservoirs (no access): Goldeneye (T Quinn).

Leith Hill: 35+ Crossbills (D Robinson).

Ring-necked and Tufted Ducks, Holmethorpe SP (G Hay).
Ring-necked and Tufted Ducks, Holmethorpe SP (G Hay).

London Wetland Centre: Bittern, Water Pipit, Oystercatcher, Goldeneye, 2 Pintail … Read more

Tice’s Meadow update

Cattle Egrets, Tice's Meadow (C Varndell).

Tice’s Meadow have applied for a grant from Surrey County Council’s Your Fund scheme.

If successful, the grant would be used to buy Tice’s Meadow Nature Reserve and place it in trust (or similar arrangements) for the benefit of the local community. The first stage of the scheme involves gathering public support. A detailed business case will then have to be submitted in February.

You can register your support by ‘liking’ their submission on the Your Fund Surrey map.

Photo of Cattle Egrets by C Varndell

SOS virtual talks

Black-Tailed Godwits, Dave Harris

Sussex Ornithological Society are putting on a series of virtual talks to which Surrey Bird Club members are invited.

These will:

  • Comprise a 30-40 minute talk from the guest speaker, followed by a question and answer session.
  • Be free to attend by all, including both SOS members and non-members.
  • Be hosted on Zoom and bookings managed through Eventbrite, with joining instructions sent to those that have booked prior to the event.

The events will normally be on Wednesdays at 7pm, starting on 10th February.

You can find further details here

Photo of Black-tailed Godwits by D Harris

January 2021

COVID-19: please continue to follow the latest government guidelines on social distancing and exercising outdoors.

Sunday 31st

Iceland Gull, Beddington Farmlands (S Ferguson).
Iceland Gull, Beddington Farmlands (S Ferguson).

Barnes: adult White-fronted Goose on St Pauls School playing field early morning (K Betty).

Beddington Farmlands: juvenile Iceland Gull (presumed same as Holmethorpe SP on Wednesday) on Wet Grassland late morning then flew to incinerator; also adult Mediterranean Gull, 8 Water Pipits, 7 Jack Snipe, 6 Green Sandpipers and 2 Shelduck (R Browne/A Dutta/S Ferguson/N Gardner/G Jones/I Jones/Z Pannifer/A Ramesh).

Burgess Park: drake Goldeneye (G de Silva).

Hawfinch, Bury Hill Fisheries (M Davis).
Hawfinch, Bury Hill Fisheries (M Davis).

Bury Read more

Changes to rarity list

Changes have been made to the list of species deemed vice-county rarities, with Great Egret removed and Wood Warbler added.

The changes mean that photos, sound recordings and / or a description are no longer required for Great Egret records, but they will now be needed for Wood Warbler. These changes are in effect for all records from 1 January 2020 onwards.

In keeping with the national trend, Great Egret is now a regular – if somewhat sporadic – visitor, usually between the months of June and December. By the end of 2010 there had been merely 11 vice-county records; … Read more

December 2020

COVID-19: please continue to follow the latest government guidelines on social distancing and exercising outdoors.

Thursday 31st

Dartford Warbler, Godalming (S Jones).
Dartford Warbler, Godalming (S Jones).

Beddington Farmlands: Yellow-browed Warbler along footpath south of hides; also White Stork (G Jones/G Morris-Hale).

Churt: 5 Goosander on Lowick’s Pond (R Douglas).

Godalming: Dartford Warbler on Lammas Lands (P Osborn).

Leatherhead: 4 Goosander on River Mole (R Nunns).

Molesey Heath: Yellow-browed Warbler by River Mole; also possible Siberian Chiffchaff (E Sames/N Spencer/A Westenberger).

Morden Hall Park: Siberian Chiffchaff along river at south-east end (BirdGuides).

Old Woking: 18 White-fronted Geese on … Read more

Tice’s Meadow under threat

The communities of Farnham, Badshot Lea and Aldershot have six months to save Tice’s Meadow Nature Reserve. The multi-award winning wildlife haven is under threat, and the volunteers of the Tice’s Meadow Bird Group are warning that the clock is ticking, with an unknown potential buyer in final negotiations to buy the 150 acre site in Badshot Lea.

Landowners Hanson, operators of the former Farnham Quarry, formally notified Waverley Borough Council of their intention to sell the site on Tuesday 3rd November. Due to the site’s status as an Asset of Community Value (under the Localism Act 2011), community interest … Read more

November 2020

COVID-19: please continue to follow the latest government guidelines on social distancing and exercising outdoors.

Monday 30th

Russian White-fronted Geese, Betchworth (M Davis).
Russian White-fronted Geese, Betchworth (M Davis).

Beddington Farmlands: Shelduck and White Stork (I Jones).

Betchworth: 18 White-fronted Geese in fields by River Mole north of Gadbrook Farm (W Attridge/M Davis).

Chobham Common: 10 Crossbills (P Hughes).

Eashing: Great Egret flew over A3 near Eashing Bridges late afternoon (D Brassington/E Stubbs).

Rustic Bunting, Thursley Common (S Minhinnick).
Rustic Bunting, Thursley Common (S Minhinnick).

Frensham Great Pond: 4 Crossbills (S Jones).

Horley: White-fronted Goose in field at Littlelake Farm from 11:00-12:30 at least (T Walker).… Read more

Field meetings update

Great Egret, Molesey Heath (D Harris).

The field meetings programme has been suspended in the light of the stricter coronavirus rules coming into force on 5 November 2020. 

The position will be reviewed in the light of what rules are put in place after 2 December 2020.

Photo of Great Egret by D Harris