RSPB campaign

RSPB England has issued a Twitter thread in order to highlight the dangers of the proposals to relax the controls which protects UK wildlife. It says:

“This Government has today launched an attack on nature. We don’t use the words that follow lightly. We are entering uncharted territory.

What the Government has proposed in today’s mini-budget on top of yesterday’s announcements potentially tears up the most fundamental legal protections our remaining wildlife has.

“The government has agreement in principle with 38 areas to establish tax-cutting Investment Zones which will drive growth & unlock housing development.” says the Treasury.

And it doesn’t stop there – the new Retained EU Laws Bill could see the end of basic protections known as the Habitat Regulations. Laws that protect our birds and animals, everywhere from forests to our coasts.

We cannot let this happen. And now more than ever nature needs your help. We need to make it abundantly clear that we will not stand for this.

We are currently planning a mass mobilisation of our members and supporters. More news on this next week.

But right now, we have one simple ask: tell your MP how you feel. Impress on them that the Government doesn’t do this in your name.”

28 September 2022