Surrey Bird Report 2021

The 2021 Surrey Bird Report (SBR) is out and will be arriving with members.
This, the 69th edition of the SBR, features a review of the year and the full systematic list of birds seen in the vice-county in 2021, as well as the annual ringing report, early and late dates of migrants, nest record totals, and a range of colour photos. Also included are papers on “A Survey of Population Changes in the Birds of Richmond Park 2012 to 2021” and the “Wintering Rustic and Little Buntings at Thursley Common, 2020-21”.
Non-members may purchase a copy at a price of £12.00 by contacting but why not join the club instead? The annual membership fee is £18 for those over 25 but free for those under 25 and membership includes a copy of the bird report and four newsletters a year.