Birds of prey webcams

Wokiing Peregrine

It’s the lull before the storm for many of the “public” Surrey birds. Pairings have been established, nests furnished and eggs laid. Soon it will be time for the hard work of feeding a hungry and demanding family.

In the seventh year of the project, the new pairing of Woking Peregrines produced their first egg on 21 March and their fourth egg one week later. Perhaps another week of peace left before the first chick emerges. Thanks to support from Woking Borough Council, their progress can be followed on the webcam:

The Woking Peregrine Project | Live Web Feed of Read more

BBRC decisions: 1/4/2022

Two Surrey records of national rarities have been accepted by the British Birds Rarities Committee in the latest batch of decisions.

The Black Stork at Thursley Common on 27 May 2021, found by J Mullin, has been accepted. This record represents the fourth for the vice-county and first in 13 years. Also accepted was a first-winter female Two-barred Crossbill, trapped and ringed by J Gates at Crooksbury Common on 17 March 2021. This bird constitutes the fifth Surrey record and first since 2014.

A further three vice-county records are still in circulation, while two 2021 submissions were deemed not proven.

5 km bird race challenge

On Saturday 7th May [2022] a 5 km bird race challenge is taking place in Surrey.

The idea is to bird within a 5 km radius of either your home or patch, with participation as relaxed or full-on as you’d like. Several teams and individuals have already entered and further entries are most welcome. If you’d like to find out more or enter as a team or individual then please drop an email to .

Warnham NR field meeting

Field Trip – Sunday 20 March 10:00

Penny Williams will be leading a Surrey Bird Club field trip to Warnham Nature Reserve in West Sussex this Sunday [20 March 2022].

Warnham NR is nestled on the north side of Horsham and is made up of a wide range of habitats from reedbeds and open water to typha swamp and coniferous woodland. The variety of habitats means 168 species of birds have been recorded here, including Water Rail, Common and Green Sandpiper, Snipe and even the occasional Bittern or Osprey. A thriving heronry is also on site with an average of … Read more

Rare Birds of Hampshire


Special Pre-Publication Offer until 28 Feb

Rare Birds of Hampshire, written by former Hampshire County Recorder, John M Clark, is a fascinating review of the occurrences of over 200 rare and scarce species in the county from the 1700s to the present day.

The book, approximately 500 pages, includes:
A Brief History of Rare Bird Recording in Hampshire.
A detailed systematic list including many previously unpublished accounts of the discovery of rarities and an analysis of the occurrences of all but the rarest species.
An unrivalled collection of photos of Hampshire rarities.
A unique series of paintings and sketches by … Read more

Surrey Hills AONB

Surrey Hills AONB


It may be of interest to Surrey Bird Club members that Natural England is conducting a formal boundary review for the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). There has been a desire locally for many years for a review to decide whether additional areas adjacent to the existing AONB boundary should also be designated. They are asking for public contributions to assist the decision-making process.

Since AONBs are designated solely for their outstanding natural beauty, any decision about an extension to the Surrey Hills AONB boundary will be based on assessments of factors that relate directly to … Read more

Merry Christmas

Robin, London Wetland Centre, 24/04/17 (J Drewett)


Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year to all members.

Photo: Robin, London Wetland Centre, 24/04/17 (J Drewett)

Tice’s Meadow Secure

Aerial view of Tice's Meadow (Kyle Russell)


A partnership of six councils has come together to support the purchase of the nature reserve and protect it as open space for the community. Surrey County Council, supported by funding from Hampshire County Council, Guildford Borough Council, Waverley Borough Council, Rushmoor Borough Council and Farnham Town Council, has bought Tice’s Meadow near Badshot Lea – on the outskirts of Farnham.

The land is 55 hectares (137 acres) of former quarry which is now fully restored as a nature reserve. It has been acquired from Hanson UK, and will become part of the Surrey County Council countryside estate. The … Read more

SBC Holmethorpe field trip 12/12/2021

Ring-necked Duck, Reigate (C Turner).

The next SBC field trip at Holmethorpe SP is going ahead on Sunday [12 December] despite being omitted from the latest edition of Birding Surrey. Here are more details and we hope to see you there. At the last field trip at Holmethorpe, the long-staying Ring-necked Duck was present there. Will it be this time? It’s currently nearby in Reigate, so fingers crossed!

Photo of Ring-Necked Duck at Reigate by C Turner

Changes to rarity list

From 1/1/2022

Changes have been made to the list of species deemed vice-county rarities, outlined below. For the species added to the list, a full description is now required (written, photos and / or sound recording). These new additions are:

  • Ruddy Duck
  • Smew
  • Arctic Tern (outer Surrey only)
  • Long-eared Owl
  • Rock Pipit (outer Surrey only)
  • Water Pipit (away from Beddington Farmlands and the London Wetland Centre)

Meanwhile, Short-eared Owl no longer requires a full description in outer Surrey.

The changes are relevant as from 1 January 2022. You can download a rarity description form here. The latest batch of … Read more