October 2019

Thursday 31st

Knot, London Wetland Centre (WWT).
Knot, London Wetland Centre (WWT).

Birtley Green: female Black Redstart still at Bonhurst Farm in morning though no sign in afternoon (BirdGuides/P Mattos).

London Wetland Centre: ringtail Hen Harrier flew north-west over Grazing Marsh at 08:25; also 3 Bearded Tits in Sheltered Lagoon, Knot still on Main Lake, 2 Bitterns still on north shore of Main Lake, Jack Snipe and 2 Shelduck (R Dewhurst/S Fogg/D Panchaud/S Patel/WWT).

Palmers Cross: Hawfinch flew west over Tilsey Farm entrance track at 07:51 (E Stubbs).

Tugley Wood: 2 Crossbills (M Lincott).

West Clandon: probable Lapland Bunting flew … Read more

September 2019

Monday 30 September

Ring Ouzel, Leith Hill (M Davis).
Ring Ouzel, Leith Hill (M Davis).

Bankside: Garden Warbler still at Tate Modern (R Braddock).

Holmethorpe SPs: juvenile Curlew Sandpiper still on Spyne’s Mere (BirdGuides).

Leith Hill: first-year Ring Ouzel at Dukes Warren this morning – Surrey first of autumn (M Davis).

London Wetland Centre: Common Sandpiper (WWT).

Newchapel: Green Sandpiper at British Wildlife Centre (K Noble).

Pewley Down: Redstart (P Curnock).

Shalford Water Meadows: 225 Meadow Pipits flew over in 90 minutes (K Britten).

West Clandon: 573 Meadow Pipits flew south over Clandon Wood NBR (M Phelps).

WinterfoldRead more

2019 Records Committee decisions

Great Egret, Richmond Park (D Muthalib).

The Surrey Bird Club Records Committee held their annual meeting in March, when many excellent records were considered, including two county firsts. You can find full details here.

Great Egret photo supplied by D Muthalib

August 2019

Saturday 31 August

Burgh Heath: Tree Pipit at Canons Farm (D Culley).

Croham Hurst: Osprey flew south at 16:40 (G Collins).

Crooksbury Common: Pied Flycatcher just beyond main car park (R Seargent).

Hascombe: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker at New Barn; also Spotted Flycatcher (E Stubbs).

Holmethorpe SPs: Greenshank flew west at 09:15; also Green Sandpiper at Glebe Lake (G Hay).

London Wetland Centre: Pied Flycatcher briefly at Wildside early morning; also 3 Green Sandpipers and 2 Common Sandpipers (WWT).

Molesey Heath: Great Egret still; also 2 Green Sandpipers (BirdGuides).

Papercourt Water Meadows: 4+ … Read more

Surrey list

Brent Goose, Tice's Meadow (E Stubbs).

The complete list of all bird species recorded in the vice-county of Surrey has been updated, up to May 2019. You can find it here.

Photo: Brent Goose, E Stubbs

July 2019

Wednesday 31 July

Beddington Farmlands: Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper (A Wilkinson).

Capel: Common Sandpiper (W Attridge).

Holmethorpe SP: 2 Green Sandpipers at Spyne’s Mere (G Hay).

London Wetland Centre: Little Ringed Plover (WWT).

Newchapel: Wood Sandpiper still at British Wildlife Centre in area with no general access (K Noble).

Stoke Lake: Common Sandpiper (M Fincham).

Tice’s Meadow: Great Egret still; also Ruff, Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, 8 Green Sandpiper and 2 Common Sandpiper (R Horton/M Nurse/L Winchcombe).

Tuesday 30 July

London Wetland Centre: 3 Common Sandpipers (WWT).

NetherlandsRead more


All five of the juvenile Peregrines at Woking have now fledged. An adult and one of the juveniles can be seen in this photo, taken by James Sellen on 15 June.

Want to learn more about this species? Come to East Horsley Village Hall on Friday night to hear Keith Betton’s Return of the Peregrine talk. Here are more details. Free entry and you do not need to be a member to come along.


Photo: Nightingale, Shaun Ferguson

Our County Recorder has written an article about where you might find Nightingales in Surrey.  If you find one singing please do let the County Recorder know.  See 3 Ways to Submit

Photo: Nightingale, Shaun Ferguson

June 2019

Sunday 30 June

Holmethorpe SP: Common Sandpiper on Railway Pools (G Hay).

London Wetland Centre: 41 Black-tailed Godwits by WWF Hide early afternoon (second highest Surrey count); also Common Sandpiper (WWT).

Richmond Park: Red-crested Pochard (P Pentek).

South Norwood Lake: Common Gull flew over (J Watson).

Caspian Gull, West Molesey (D Harris).
Caspian Gull, West Molesey (D Harris).

Tice’s Meadow: 16 Black-tailed Godwits in morning then flew south-east; also Common Sandpiper and two Green Sandpipers (J Brough/M Elsoffer/L Winchcombe).

West Molesey: returning adult Caspian Gull flew down River Thames early morning (D Harris).

Saturday 29 June

Frensham Common: 10 … Read more

Woking Peregrines

Woking Peregrine chick, 15/05/2019, (Craig Denford)

The five chicks are still doing well and were colour-ringed yesterday. Join us in Woking’s Jubilee Square on Saturday (18th May) between 10 am and 4 pm where we hope to see both parents flying in with food. We will have a telescope looking at the ledge outside the nest area, as well as an iPad so that you can see what is happening inside the nest too. In the meantime, you can see what is happening now.

Photo: Woking Peregrine chick, Craig Denford 15/05/2019